Baggy’s blog 01 Nov 2016

Date: 1st Nov 2016 Author: Sarah Burns
Attendees Inspection Score Total
Cubs 10 Duty Sixer Felipe Red Six 0 0
New 0 Promise Joseph Blue Six 0 0
Total 10 Law Joseph Green Six 0 0

The promise was read out this week by Joseph, Felipe took the Flag Break.

The Flag Break was followed by Registration.

We next played a couple of relays followed by the start of our badge for this term the Entertainers Badge. This is being run by Matthew one of our young leaders.

Matthew started by having the Cubs sit in a circle and played wink murder. The idea was for the Cubs to die when they were winked at by the murderer, but as dramatically as possible (no Oscar’s here) . The Cubs did gradually get better as they grasped what was expected.


Time for a drink and biscuit


After the break back to the games Catch/head was next the Leader stands in the middle of the circle and throws the ball to one of the Cubs calling Heads or catch, the Cub has to do the opposite to what has been called. If the Cub fails to do this he pays the penalty of going down on one knee if he fails again he goes onto two knees then one arm then out, however if he does the next action right you return one step.


Couldn’t play too long as lots of badges to give out.


Time on Water 1

Joshua, Joseph , Felipe, Gianmarco and Tristan


Time on Water 2



Nights Away 2

Joshua, Charlie, Gianmarco and Tristan


Nights Away 4



Nights Away 5

Harrison , Owen and Mitchell


Nights Away 10



Athletes Badge

Felipe and Marcel


Collectors Badge



Finally “The Grand Howl”


I have received 9 letters from Cubs wishing to attend the Remembrance Sleep over, any others wishing to join us please bring your Letters back next week





Put your phone down and what are you left with? Just teamwork, courage and the skills to succeed.’
Bear Grylls, Chief Scout Bear Grylls